Why attend the Pain Seminar?
The process of back pain and its effects on the body and mind will be explained. Learn more about proven lower back pain treatments, therapies available to help alleviate pain and the basics of pain therapy.
What is it about?
Moving away from traditional or routine approaches to treating pain and exercise prescription, this seminar offers a guide on how to decrease your back pain, along with an evidenced-based approach to lower back conditions utilising real-life clients. This seminar will help you decide if your current treatment plan is the most appropriate for you and/or what questions you should be asking your current treating practitioner. This seminar will give you the confidence to readily implement multimodal, evidence-based strategies to promote positive and empowering change for your back pain.
Stop postponing treatment – you know better
Stop being afraid to try change – you know better
Stop saying you will start tomorrow – you know better
To know what to do you must have the right answers, to have the right answers you must have the right questions, the right plan, you must have the right reasons to help change your direction.

Brett Stevens
Accredited Exercise Physiologist | Director of Kinetic Rehabilitation
Brett is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Director of Kinetic Rehabilitation, with 2 clinics, one situated in Broadmeadow - Newcastle and the other in Salamander Bay - Port Stephens. His clinical practice has led to specialisation in musculoskeletal therapies and chronic and acute pain. Brett is passionate about fixing injuries as quickly as possible, using the correct assessment and using very specific treatment.

Why Am I Doing This For Free?
People often ask me why I would share such information for free. Here's why:
For a start, I hate to see people struggle with pain and their injury. It breaks my heart watching so many people attending failing treatment, especially when the solutions to their pain are so simple (they just need someone to show them how and what to do).
Second, I'm currently on the lookout for clients who my team can work with one-on-one to decrease their pain, and give them unprecedented amounts of freedom.
And I figured showing you my greatest strategies to treat pain upfront was a great way of starting this relationship.
If you become a client, great. And if not, that's ok too.
But it allows you to get to know me and me to select the right people for me to help who really want to be helped.