#1: The psychological aspects you should be applying to every session
What is it about?
Moving away from traditional or routine approaches, this course will help you have more confidence with appointments, and having your clients wanting to come back. This course will give you the confidence to have them telling you that want to make their next appointment.
Using these strategies I was able to have an increase in 40% of client appointment in 28 days.
To know what to do you must have the right answers, to have the right answers you must have the right questions, create the right plan, and you must have the right understanding of mechanics.
Friday 3rd April 2020 @ 3:00PM - 3:45PM
Monday 6th April 2020 @ 10:30AM- 11:15AM
What we are going to cover...
→ How to start the appointment - even before you leave the reception area
→ What you should do before treating the client - especially with COVID-19 pandemic
→ How to lead to your clients through the appointment
→ How to show you are the 'expert'
→ How best to educate your client
→ Eliminate the objections
→ Offering the best solution
Register for this Webinar

Brett Stevens
Accredited Exercise Physiologist | Director of Kinetic Rehabilitation
Brett is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Director of Kinetic Rehabilitation, with his clinic situated in Broadmeadow - Newcastle. His clinical practice has led to specialisation in musculoskeletal therapies and chronic and acute pain. Brett is passionate about fixing injuries as quickly as possible, using the correct assessment and using very specific treatment.

Why Am I Doing This?
People often ask me why I would share such information. Here's why:
For a start, I believe that exercise rehabilitation is one of the most beneficial forms of treatment. I also feel that practitioners don't feel that it is a specialised profession and that if you just give people any exercise it MIGHT WORK! We can do better than that! I have proven that by knowing what to look for in an initial assessment you can get results in 1 appointment and only need to give your client 2-3 exercises/stretches to do at home to get them wanting to come back.
I hate to see people struggle with pain and their injury. It breaks my heart watching so many people attending failing treatment, especially when the solutions to their pain are so simple (they just need someone to show them how and what to do). That person can be you.
And I figured showing you my greatest strategies to treat pain upfront was a great way of helping spread the benefit of exercise rehabilitation.